Active Ingredients
Lavender essential oil
Lavender is a magical soothing herb that does wonders to promote calmness and wellness. It is also said to help encourage sleep and reduce tension within the body.
Bergamot essential oil
In aromatherapy Bergamot is used for its relaxing and soothing properties, helping to relieve an anxious mind.
Frankincense essential oil
Frankincense is a sacred tree and both the oil and resin has been used for centuries to aid meditation and rituals. Frankincense essential oil has a sweet, woody scent and is often used in aromatherapy to help balance the nervous system and to ease stress.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salt benefits range from mental to physical, making it one of the ultimate self-care essentials. It is said to help reduce stress, ease tension and relax the body. Epsom salt soaks are also used as a treatment to ease muscle tension, aches and pains, inflammation in joints and tired feet.
Multi-layered scent profile
The most prominent scent within this potion is Lavender. It is sweet and fresh with subtle hints of citrus that compliment the deep earthy undertones of the Frankincense.